Searchable Bibliography

Our searchable bibliography will allow you to browse and easily find a list of curated sources pertaining to aromanticism, asexuality, and its related subject matters. To maximize the relevancy of the search results, these are our recommended steps to using the bibliography.

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Jordan WindholzThe Queer Testimonies of Male Chastity in All's Well That Ends Well2019bachelor; early modern; identity; literary analysis/theory; literature; marriage; masculinity; protestant; queer; queer theory; reproductive futurity; Shakespeare; single; virginity
Mark Alan SmithBypassing the Asexual Paradox: A Strategic Retelling of the History of Asexuality2017asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; celibacy; compulsory sexuality; death; early modern; history; identity; medieval; psychology; queer; queer theory; religion; reproductive futurity; sexusociety
Melissa E. SanchezAntisocial Procreation in Measure for Measure2017asexual; asexual reading/theory; early modern; gender; literary analysis/theory; literature; new materialism; pregnancy; queer; queer theory; reproduction; reproductive futurity; Shakespeare
Celeste RobertsAsexuality in Victorian England: The Celibate Eccentric Genius Trope in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein, and Sherlock Holmes2021asexual; asexual reading/theory; asexual resonances; bachelor; celibacy; history; literary analysis/theory; literature; queer theory; reproductive futurity
Sarah SalihVersions of Virginity in Late Medieval England2001asexual resonances; gender; love; marriage; medieval; nonbinary; reproductive futurity; virginity
Anna KurowickaWhat Can Asexuality do for Queer Theories?2014asexual; asexual reading/theory; marriage; political theory; politics; queer; queer theory; reproductive futurity; theory
Margaret Rose McDowellAgainst Compulsory Sexuality: Asexual Figures of Resistance2022allosexual; archives; asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; Black; Boston Marriage; celibacy; compulsory sexuality; dehumanization; erotics; feminism; gender; intimacy; literary analysis/theory; literature; media; politics; pop culture; queer theory; race; reproductive futurity; sexual liberation; sexusociety; single; TV; world building
Gwendolyn OsterwaldContradictions in the Representation of Asexuality: Fiction and Reality2017aphobia; asexual; asexual reading/theory; asexual resonances; early modern; history; literary analysis/theory; literature; media; medieval; pathologization; queer; reproductive futurity; TV
Hayle DambrowkyThe Asexual Perspective: Intimacy without the Intimate2022asexual; asexual reading/theory; celibacy; colonialism; indigenous; intimacy; kinship; marriage; monogamy; queer; queer theory; reproductive futurity; single
Megan MilksStunted Growth: Asexual Politics and the Rhetoric of Sexual Liberation2014anarchy; aphobia; asexual; asexual reading/theory; AVEN; BDSM; celibacy; dehumanization; feminism; gender; identity; infantilization; literature; media; pathologization; political theory; politics; queer; queer theory; reproductive futurity; sexual liberation; sexusociety; trans; virginity
Sherronda J. BrownRefusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture2022adolescence; antiracism; aphobia; asexual; asexual reading/theory; Black; capitalism; compulsory sexuality; controlling images; corrective assault; definitions; dehumanization; femininity; fetishization; frigidity; gatekeeping; gender; history; infantilization; intersectionality; masculinity; monstrosity; nonhuman; objectification; pathologization; queer; race; reproduction; reproductive futurity